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Writing and Healing Idea #13: Making a List of Lifelines

Posted on Nov 5, 2006 by

I wrote a few days back about having a few lifelines in place if and when you decide to do any writing about things that have broken. You can now, if you want, and if you haven’t already done so, formalize that. You can make a list of your own personal lifelines. Here are some questions that might help you in putting together your own list:

Are there places you can go when you feel like something is falling apart?
Are there places where you’ve been in the past that are safe and comforting?
Can you imagine these places when you need to?
Are there resources that make you feel safe and nurtured?

Certain foods?
Certain objects?
Particular songs?
Particular music?
Would it be useful to create a playlist?

Is there someone you can call when you feel like something is falling apart?
A friend?
A counselor?
Is there someone you can call to mind?
(This can be a person, living or dead, who you know well—or perhaps someone you have never met.)
Is there something or someone or even some words that you can remember—and call to mind—when you feel like something is falling apart?

Make your list as short or as long as you like.
Save your list.
Take it out and consult it as needed.